Friday, May 16, 2014

Global Banking Issues - by Marc Azous

The real problem around the world is that most people do not have debit or credit cards as their bank or country do not allow the masses to have them. Therefore no online business can take place. I should also add most people do not have bank accounts in general.

Therefore they can't send or receive wire transfers. How do they expect business to get done???

Banks around the world need to move into the 21st century.

Scrap Metal Deals - Numbers Game

I used to think 1 out of every 100 people in scrap were real. Not it's about 1 in 250. I can no longer tell who is a real buyer - as they usually turn out to be traders or brokers. Suppliers - I have zero trust in til I see the scrap with my own eyes.

alibaba is the worst. 1 out of 1,000 people is capable of doing real business. 'trade key and 'ec robot' and 'ec plaza' are even worse. In 10+ years not one deal has ever happened there.

Great industry, bad people.

Calling - by Marc Azous

I just got a call from someone who claims they saw my company app. First, we do not have an app, second they did not introduce themselves first. If we do not know you we will not talk business until we do.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Twitter - Marc Azous

We have a twitter account at:

Check it out.

Copper Scrap - Marc Azous

There was a weird copper report out today saying copper has been strong. WRONG. The price is still historically high and going down. Scrap buyers do not want to spend $90,000 USD to make $200 profit on a trade.

They'd be better off going to a casino betting on black or red.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Scrap Metal Traders - Etiquette

We get many inquiries each day from buyers looking for scrap. If you do not include your first and last name, company name, and contact details we assume you are an uneducated trader who can't do a deal.

Writing poorly decreases your chance to do business, in any country.

Posted by:

Marc R. Azous
Recycling Consultant, LLC.

Lead Smelter Closed

There are only 3 lead smelters left in the USA. There were 4 but one in California recently closed. I wonder why???

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Marc Azous -

If you are in need of scrap vessels please visit

Marc Azous - Chinese Scrap Metal Exchange

Please visit

Marc Azous - Scrap Iron

We are considering re-launching

Will keep you updated.

Marc Azous Scrap Metal

Coming up this October we will begin our 21st year in scrap metal.

I have seen this industry go through so many changes. I will write about about them in upcomingblogs.

Marc Azous - Iron Industries

Iron Industries handles our scrap iron trading business.

The website, will be changed in May.

Marc Azous

We are going to be launching new scrap metal websites and apps later this year.

Contact Us if you'd like to learn more.

Please visit and join our trading website:

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Get Updated Scrap Prices
Market Your Company

Marc Azous - Recycling Connsultant, LLC.

 We are upgrading our trading website: